Our pool of professional temp candidates are pre-screened (including IT Testing, Eligibility to work, Reference Checked), registered and ready to fill in for a variety of positions and durations.

We look after payroll, PRSI, annual leave and all of the tricky admin so you don’t have to (it literally couldn’t be easier!)

“Temps” are temporary staff brought into an organisation on a short-term basis, usually for a specific purpose. They can work in various roles, including administrative, technical or manual positions. Temporary staff are valuable for providing flexibility and addressing immediate workforce needs.

We provide quick turnaround times from the day the requirement is presented to us, to placing the Temp.

Whether you need to clear off a specific project, someone to cover maternity leave, sick leave, annual leave, or just want an extra pair of hands during a busy period, choose ICE Group today and call us on 091 546 700 to discuss particular requirements.

» Pre-screened top talent

» Specialists in each area

» Focus on getting the right person for your team

» HR and Recruitment Compliance

» Over 50 years of experience in providing temporary staff

Simply complete this form and our team will get in touch with you to start the process.

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ICE Group provides a full spectrum of recruitment services within the Manufacturing, Engineering,
Commercial, Construction and Sales sectors.

Our range of services include (but not limited to)

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ICE Contingency Talent

High Volume Recruitment (CWF)

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ICE Temp Talent

Office Professional Temps

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ICE DirectHire Talent

Permanent Recruitment

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ICE Healthcare Talent

International Healthcare Recruitment

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ICE Elite Talent

Executive Search

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ICE Workforce Talent

Flexible Workforce Management

Whatever model or commercial arrangement ICE Group enter, core to its philosophy is delivering innovative solutions that are proven at reducing cost, improving quality and delivering real business benefit.

Do you want to post a job?

If you want to start hiring new staff, now is the time to book a consultation with our recruitment team.

Simply complete this form and our team will help you work on the best solution for your business.

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