Galwegians, such as myself, often fail to recognize how much a city has grown in our time here and the uniqueness of the city in the west. It often takes a fresh pair of eyes to point out how different our city is from others. Every year thousands of tourists pass through the streets of Galway and hundreds of people relocate to Galway for work. If you are considering relocating to the west of Ireland, then the following might here is an idea of what that might entail
The City
The word vibrant has become synonymous with Galway in the vast of posts and articles describing the city of the tribes. There is always something going on and with Galway 2020 just around the corner, the city will be bubbling with energy all year round. These events make it easier to meet people and integrate into living in the West. There are a plethora of excellent restaurants of all types of cuisines around the city
The Work
Many people move to Galway for a healthier lifestyle and more of a work/life balance. In other cities such as Dublin or London, long hours and heavy commute can eat up so much of your week. In Galway, you can get some of that midweek back so explore your own interests and hobbies. ICE Group has launched a 4-day Week for its employees displaying the kind of ethos of the city of the west coast.
The Cost
The cost of living in Galway will vary depending on where you live. The city is more expensive to rent in but is still comparably lower to that of Dublin. If you live outside the city you can save on rent and still have a relatively short commute. Bus passes are affordable if you do not have your own car. Galway is an affordable city with plenty to do that doesn’t break the bank.
The Weather
If Galway was perfect, everybody would be here. While there will be some weeks of the sun for you to enjoy, it rains quite a bit in the west so being prepared for this is key. Summer can bring some beautiful weather and that is when the town explodes with tourists and locals. In the winter you will need to wrap up but you will still be able to explore the Galway Christmas market and the rest of the City as it lights up.
To summarize every guidebook about Galway: It is a city full of culture and life, steeped in its heritage yet celebratory of its multicultural population. Importantly though, it is a city of Opportunity, where industries like Medical Devices, Pharma and IT are thriving. If you are looking to relocate, then look West in the county of a hundred thousand welcomes.
If you’re looking for a new role in Galway, get in touch with us today on 091 475 100 or