Nurse In Profile
We spoke to Mark Sheridan, who was placed by ICE Jobs in Australia 4 years ago, about his new life and career down under.
Describe your experience working as a nurse in Sydney/Australia.
I came to Australia 4 years ago with a young family and began working as a nurse straight away. I quickly learned that the skills and experiences of Irish nurses are sought after and if you are willing to put your head down and work hard, you will be rewarded. It’s not all easy, there are changes to how we practice in comparison to Ireland, such as the terminology and the processes can be different.
How did moving to Australia impact your career/professional development?
In the four years I have held a variety of roles from a Registered Nurse, Clinical Nurse Educator, Nurse Manager, Operations Manager and now currently as Clinical Nurse Consultant. These are opportunities that I would never have got in Ireland. If you come with the right attitude there is no end to the potential.
What aspects of the Australian lifestyle do you enjoy the most?
The quality of the work/life balance. I have a young family and being able to provide them with opportunities that they would never have had in Ireland is amazing. The weather is a massive draw being able to spend so much time outdoors at the beach, hiking in National Parks and camping. We are living the Australian dream of going camping as a family 5 or 6 times a year, sometimes on our own and sometimes with friends. Being able to spend so much time outdoors in fresh air wins for me.
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