This is a more common occurrence than you may think. It’s a huge decision for any leaving certificate student to make and despite career advice and parental support, sometimes we just choose the wrong course.
It’s a daunting task for any school leaver heading off to college and there are a number of factors that come into play that may make it virtually impossible to stick with a course that you feel is, maybe, just not the one for you.
Course modules and content:
Sometimes the actual course work and subjects contained within the course may be far removed from expectations. This may be down to not researching the course, prior to choosing it or the content may be much more comprehensive than expected.
College fees are expensive. You will also need to consider the crippling cost of accommodation and deposits, in advance, required to live away from home. Then there’s the cost of day-to-day expenses like food, utilities before you even consider a night out with your new college friends!
Future Career:
Sometimes we have a clouded view of what is required to gain employment in a specific sector and it’s not always easy to gain employment straight after graduating from 3rd level.
Guess what? It’s not the end of the world and we are all guilty of making bad choices.The good news is that there are plenty of options for students in this very situation.
Some realistic options are:
There are some fantastic access courses offered by many 3rd level institutes leading to full time courses.
There is always the option to take some time out to work and earn that needed cash to cover fees and accommodation if you decide to return to college. This may mean returning to college as a mature student at a later stage
Pitman Training are an excellent option for many students who embarked on the wrong course in 3rd level and decided to leave the course because they believed it was the wrong course choice for them.
Over the past six years I have met many people in this exact situation and many of them have decided to enroll on a Pitman Diploma to gain employment in their desired area of interest. The beauty of Pitman Training is that our style of learning allows our learners to balance work and study life simultaneously. This makes it both more affordable and more manageable around work, family and other commitments. With accredited Diplomas which get our students job ready, confident and qualified. With a qualification that is recognised world-wide, with Pitman Training, it’s never too late to learn.
Contact me in Galway today on 091-752345, or my colleagues Jillian in Limerick (061-516410) and Martina in Sligo (071-9169097), for a free consultation on your next career move.