Well done! After some Job specific CV prep, you now have your new look better targeted CV .
The next step is to look the part for the face-to-face meeting.
The First Impression
Be professional in your appearance. Remember, you only get one chance to make a first impression, so err on the side of caution. Dress up – there’s no coming back from being too casual, whereas ‘too’ professional at worse will come across as over-eager.
Never assume just because you are just handing out CVs that you don’t have to look and show professionalism. Take any opportunity to impress with both hands as you can’t undo a bad impression.
And a good impression is also your knowledge of the companies to which you are submitting an application. In school, if you ever walked into a test without any study done you were guaranteed to come out with less than impressive score. This applies here as well, if you know nothing about where you are applying it does no favours in the eyes of the employer. This indicates that you want a job, any job, and although there is nothing wrong with that an employer ideally wants someone who wants to work for them. When an employer meets an applicant who shows a good knowledge of the company it raises interest. It shows that the applicant spent time researching the position and the company and is not just chancing their arm. This helps the employer pick up that phone and arrange an interview.
Telephone Etiquette
Preparation is our theme here, so keeping in line with that. What else do you need to prepare for? You have an excellent new CV and cover letter, some trendy but professional clothes and a list of well researched businesses for you to apply to. What is there left? Callbacks. If you have done everything right you don’t want to fall at the finish line by not having the right contact details. Have various methods in which a potential employer can contact you. Now, this next bit may seem like common sense but as a recruiter it baffles me how many applicant can’t seem to get this right, when you are job seeking please be aware that employers may be calling you and answer appropriately. “Sup” or “what’s the Craic?” sounds very unprofessional and can damage your impression right before you get called for an interview. Whether you have a voicemail set up or not may be entirely up to you but if you choose to have a voicemail, avoid having the hilarious “hello?” or, in one particular case, just a loud scream. These types of voicemails don’t exactly say employable material. Remember, make a good impression at every opportunity.
If you have prepared to the best of your ability you will have improved you chances of success immeasurably. Being prepared and meticulous is a quality necessary and one that employers can see in candidates a mile off. So if you have been thorough in your preparation then you will be soon preparing for that job interview. And the Best of ICE Group luck to you!
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